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Articles Books Digital Media

Sedimenta CD Series No. 1: The Joulters Ooid Shoal (CD of Sedimenta VII with updated preface, satellite photo, related publications)
Paul M. (Mitch) Harris
Price: $25.00
Sedimenta CD Series No.2 - Field guide to carbonate sediments along the Exuma Bank Margin and a virtual field trip to the Exuma Island Chain, Bahamas
Price: $25.00
Sedimenta CD Series No.3 - Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir distribution in a modern carbonate platform, Bahamas
Price: $25.00
Sedimenta CD Series No.4 - Overview of carbonate play types - a general introduction to carbonates from a reservoir perspective
Price: $25.00
Sedimenta CD Series No.5 - The application of sequence startigraphy to carbonates - establishing a reservoir and exploration scale geologic framework
Price: $25.00
Sedimenta CD Series No.6 - Carbonate Field Seminar: a course for geoscientists and engineers
Price: $25.00
Sedimenta CD Series No.7 - Heterogeneity within carbonates – guidelines from modern examples
Price: $25.00
Sedimenta DVD - Set of Sedimenta CD’s, No. 1-7
Price: $120.00




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